I just wanted to update everyone on some new website news.
- The website is now secured and you will notice the Secure | https://www.tinytownassociation.com. This ensures that you will not get any notices about unsecured web site logins.
- The Tiny Home Directory is beginning to grow, thanks and keep recommending those websites that you find to be of interest.
- I have secured a really impressive prize to the member that has the most successful invites by the end of 2017! If you own, or plan/hope to own a Tiny Home and you are hoping to stay in a Tiny Town, the grand prize will be something that you will value a lot. More details to come, so keep inviting!
- Disqus commenting is being added throughout the site, so look for your opportunity to share your thoughts.
- If you have a question about the Tiny Town Association or something related to the website, post your question in the FAQ section. FAQs will help us grow a repository of answers that may help others with similar questions.
If you have some time that you can volunteer to help us with some of the admin/website/association promotions, update your member profile and let us know. If you aren’t a member, Join and indicate you would like to Volunteer.